
Latest Painting

Kaaj Disaster

Kaaj Education Center: Many girls who were preparing for university entrance exam in Kabul, but on September 30, 2022, they were attacked by a suicide attacker killing and wounding a large number of them. Also, many of other girls and women lost their lives in other attacks in other parts of the country. This painting depicts the memory of the heartbreaking events experienced by the Afghan girls and women. Unfortunately, their situation is worsening day by day in the country

Paintings with a background



Violence On Newborns

Ban On Women


Gun Violence

Afghan Mother

The Scream Of A Young Girl

Brave Afghan Women

A Father's Cry

Gun Cultre

A Woman

Artists Of Afghanistan

Holding The Dream

A Girl Who Lost Her Life

Tree Of Knowledge

Other Paintings

Horse With colors

Culture and transportation many years ago

Nature & Beauty

Hafiz Sherazi


Old & New Mausoleum of Imam Ali